Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shave over the Day of Rest?

I have noticed something over the last several years. Monday mornings I get started shaving, splashing the hot water on my face. My brain tells me that my whiskers seem much shorter than they usually are on any other morning.

Now, I don’t know how many guys notice this, if they would. But it seems to me there’s only one real explanation for this: God’s day of rest.

You see, if you remember the account of the creation in Genesis, God rested after everything was done, and He called it the 7th day. He later commanded His people to rest on the 7th day, because He rested after His work of creation.

Whether or not God created it all in a literal or figurative seven days, He commanded we observe a literal seventh day for rest. Now, of course, as a Christian, I believe God changed that day of rest to the 1st day of the week, to also commemorate the resurrection of Jesus. So if we are obedient, we will honor God on His day of rest, or the Lord's Day, whichever way you want to say it.

So, do we (in general, everyone on earth, or just believers?) actually rest on this day of rest? I mean, is there a seven-day cycle we all are somehow in tune to in some basic physical sense? Do many of our bodily systems actually relax their functioning during that day? Considering my whiskers on Monday morning, I would think this is so.

 Does anyone else think this, as well? Or do you think this is totally bogus, or just psychological?

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