Thursday, May 27, 2010

A [small] Slice of Humanism

Our current social and political situation in the U.S. is the culmination of more than 100 years of incessant, patient and persistent indoctrination and application of the stated beliefs and principles of Secular Humanism.

Secular Humanism.

Now there’s a term that hasn’t been spoken out loud by society at large, or by Christians, in the U.S. for a long time (a long time). For at least twenty five years. It seems we’ve lost our vigilance against the menace of Humanism after the 1980s.

When George W. Bush Sr. was in office, we Christians let go of our responsibility to confront Secular Humanism, even though President Bush pushed for a “New World Order,” a phrase practically lifted from the Humanist Manifesto II.

The amazing thing is, very few even understand the real root of the current socialist directions we have taken in this country; that it is the program of Secular Humanists, who have networked their efforts over the last century. Not even Rush Limbaugh ever points this out, if he is aware of it.

Secular Humanism, or just Humanism, has really nothing to do with the Humanities, if you ever thought that. It is a declared system of religious belief (though humanists claim all their beliefs are based on scientific facts, such as evolution!) that states there is no god, or divine being, but only mankind, and that man’s own capabilities are the only thing we have to get us through what lies ahead, and what will build our future. Because there is no god, then morality, or ethics as they may prefer, can only come from man’s own ideas and culture. “Ethics are autonomous and situational, needing no theological or ideological sanction.” Ultimately, in this way, whoever is in power, makes the rules for that society.

Now back to the socialism stuff. It’s probably true that many socialists are not necessarily Humanists. In fact, somehow, they believe they are really on the right track to help solve problems and provide people with their needs. But generally speaking, all Secular Humanists are socialists. It’s in their Manifestos, their “statements of faith,” if you will.

In one place it is stated: “If [people are] unable, then society should provide [via government programs, of course] means to satisfy their basic economic, health, and cultural needs, including, where ever resources make possible [i.e. where there are enough rich people to suck it from], a minimum guaranteed annual income.” This statement is not the only one. Implications and direct calls for socialist “top-down” transformation of society are smattered all throughout the Humanist Manifestos. Humanists have been working toward this and many other goals for more than a hundred years.

The major arm of indoctrination into Secular Humanist values has been the public education system and the State-run universities and colleges, through which most of us Americans have been duped into adopting Humanist values into our own lives.

We now have a socialist oligarchy running this country. We will soon be told what we must do in almost every aspect of our lives: What to eat, how much to exercise, how to talk, what car to drive, where to get educated and what to get educated in, where to live and when to die. How can we be allowed the free pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness, when our Federal Government has its hands in so many interests?

Big Government is needed for Humanistic transformation of society. That’s been the aim ever since John Dewey’s push to mold public education began. (Think of the Dewey Decimal system we use in our libraries. Dewey was a signer of the first Humanist Manifesto back in 1933.)

Before our Federal Government gave us the current monstrous takeover of over one fourth (and soon to be much more) of our private sector economy, I was more concerned about where the Humanists would take us in domestic and foreign policy. Needless to say, I was very alarmed when Hillary Clinton (our classic Humanist stateswoman) said that as Secretary of State, she would abandon the “rigid ideology” that has directed our diplomacy for the last two hundred years, and institute pragmatism.1

The rigid ideology she speaks of is, of course, the tried and true principles of Judeo-Christian morality. Pragmatism is the Humanistic philosophy of simply doing what will get the results we want, without recourse to any ethical principles: “If it works, use it.” In other words, now we are “established” as a nation adrift on the sea, with no moral compass. Thanks, Hillary!

Now the Obama administration is pushing us toward the ultimate political goal stated in the Humanist Manifestos: assimilating the United States into a one world transnational federal government. And it is happening at a breakneck speed. It’s my belief that by the end of this year, we will see legislation that will effectively take over our private economy and the press (to squelch all dissent via “hate” talk gag laws), and maybe anything else they can think of.

In a couple of years we will be in debt so great that as a nation we will have to accept this assimilation or be left destitute or invaded by the Chinese. Don’t think it could happen this soon? I think we should consider ourselves blessed if it doesn’t.

Let me now discuss the matter of the recently passed health care reform. Soon, when the policies (policy, by the way, is created by beauraucrats, not legislation voted on by your representatives) will soon be implemented to require a health checkup every year or so. Soon after, they will require a mental health checkup or evaluation for every person covered by the health reform measures. The Humanist Manifesto states that religions that believe in “[p]romises of immortal salvation or fear of eternal damnation are both illusory and harmful.” Now here you’ll have a multitude of humanist-inculcated psychologists and psychiatrists who will evaluate a ton of people (and especially their children) who hold to such religious views. Hmmm. If they believe such religious ideas are harmful, what will they recommend for these patients? Perhaps some time in corrective therapy?

Now, a true work of conservative people are beginning to wake up (decades too late), hoping that by the next election we could turn the tide somewhat. If the Obama administration gets an inkling that they might lose their majority in the House and/or Senate, they will try to find a way to declare martial law and suspend any elections. Mark my words.

Perhaps this seems rather alarmist, but many other coups in other nations never seemed possible in their day.

But if by God’s grace there is not a coup, and the Obama administration does abide by the Constitution and election results, don’t expect everything to be OK after this November. If it took Secular Humanists 100 years to infiltrate and overpower American society so completely, it could take as long for American citizens to re-establish true limited government and constitutional principles once again.
We have a lot of work ahead of us.

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