Thursday, August 9, 2012

Already a pawn of China?

When it comes to what the U.S. of A. is doing on the international scene, it appears to be one big conundrum. People on the left feel President Obama has crossed them, leading us further into the Middle East, not closing Guantanamo Bay, and so forth. Those on the right feel perplexed because he has basically continued and furthered the Bush Administration’s path of the War on Terror. Not only that, but he has quagmired the U.S. into Lybia, which also seems to be enmeshing NATO into a Vietnam-like venture. And soon he (and Hillary) may drag us into Syria.

Now we also have our economy heading downhill fast. Nothing brave in the line of holding the line on spending is happening. In fact, everything passing for financial legislation is only new dressing for the same old increase in spending on a scheduled basis. This will only increase our national debt beyond repayment within a few years.

What’s going on? How come, no matter who is in power, the same things keep happening, maybe just at a different pace?

The Bible says the borrower is servant to the lender. Well, that makes the U.S., steeped in tens of trillions of dollars in debt plus even more in unaccounted obligations (like pensions), a servant to many parties. One of those is China. At this point, the U.S. is in a compromised position, and we are not free to deal with China from a position of strength or integrity, because of the fact we owe China trillions of dollars, which we can’t begin (or maybe never will be able) to repay.

Perhaps its possible that China, knowing that we cannot repay them, at least not in the usual or expected way, may be even now demanding we repay them in other ways. One of those ways may be by spending our military strength to do what they would like to see happen around the world: weaken their areas of interest, increase destabilization, all the while making it easier for China to wait for the right time to come on the scene and “take over.”

Seems far fetched? You never know who is calling who at the White House these days.